Free Series of Classes by Written Word
Each Mythologies Called History has been of a different offering as perspectives of history. The first Mythologies Called History was an educational roundabout in thoughtful sociological flight only to land at Joseph Campbell’s world view by way of the chemistry of Bill Moyers’ interviews. A recommended book that could affectionately be called Bill Moyers’ Joseph Campbell: The Power Of Myth This author would still whole heartedly recommend.
The second Mythologies Called History was an impassioned oped that called into context a far more reaching “demonstration” than was even reported. The reader can find this directly below this new offering.
This Mythologies Called History is theoretical and comes from first hand information, experience and thoughtful inquiry as after thoughts and after thoughts cascading as inter-relational soulful feeling states of response to life, then as detailed speculative personal research that can span sociological realities. To write of Bill Graham as one having experienced so much “Bill” is to defend him from what seems the trivialization and outright made up history that has been “normalized” by Wikipedia.
Many an inside joke traveling through friendships and professional realms as an ad lib reality warmly passed around, edited for humor and to make understood a so vastly complicated intellectual matrix has been “liberalized” into a truth that upon a gentle and caring de construction can find its bounce again.
Bill Graham’s presence, as Mel Belli’s and Herb Caen’s was ingenious, inventive and dynamic with the San Francisco roots of respect, love and gratitude as any wholly adopted native son would ever lust for. Yes, not wish for, not hope for, instead lust for.
From my understanding, Bill Graham’s lust as impassioned do-good or die might have been one of the most elemental forces of the 60s into the early 70s that possibly rescued a nation from a slump only better than depression…..sure, with fits and starts of upbeat fad, yet had our nation really recovered from the McCarthy ravages? Were not the tragedies into the early 60s devastatingly debilitating no matter what “side” one was on? These enough to splinter the intensity into factional responses simply to burn out as an eventual course of limitation of resources.
Given Bill Graham’s vision come true of music education, music inspiration and music as a political influencer with his choice line-ups not just generous… impressive, innovative and challenging as rock, latin and jazz in one show which had very few leaving after their personal pick had performed, then the musicality became religiosity.
Hence Laura Nyro famously singing to Bill Graham at her concert “till you marry me Bill, I love you so I always will” (“Wedding Bell Blues”) given New York City had “lost” him to San Francisco with her plead an eternally understanding one.
As the San Francisco Mime Troupe “story”, now history that is actually a metaphoric ad lib about New York and San Francisco “shhh” connection and what mime’s give besides “shhh” is an invasive copy cat give away that other noisier art hides elegantly for the audience to find their own experience. Unfortunately, that “story” as historied smug from winners that have us losers has populated life, editing out, frightening and moving worlds from one place to another in advantaged compartmentalization.
A revolution of the heart, a revolution of the mind and a revolution of the love of life has a way of finding us as befitting to our circumstance…carefully we go and safely together we continue as much by way of remembering a mega man’s contribution as Bill Graham’s as in a concentration of curious whimsy not unlike what might very well be well.
Receiving the first Mythologies Called History concentrating on Anthropological/Psychological Perspectives in relationship to the movement of conscious awareness by media, please request written material with a previously made 20 minute personalized phone appointment as a prerequisite. Write the request to [email protected]
2nd Mythologies Called History
Mythologies intertwine into life in profound ways as to disperse silently into a retreat that serves life of the real with a richer for it that much of the time can only be carefully deconstructed to give correct gratitude. Ironically, many times the deconstruction is an inadvertent ruining to the fabric of the real. This can happen with the better intents of improving life as much as from a colder suffering of lost faith in a desperation to find answers.
Mythologies allow for exaggerations that uplift through difficult times, as well as have the added outrageous positive to permit come togethers. These mythologies can fuel well rites of ritualized splendor, if not spectacle giving happenings that might hold better potential to work the real out with a little unreal. History can have such mythic proportions in depth and breadth that questioning it as possibly a fabrication can be a reasonable, intelligent first step in an investigative process that could have some of the same fortunes in developing intelligence, heart and the quixotic of innocence found that can give a deserved uplift.
In 2017 a group of African American Football players in the NFL decided to use their freedom of speech, to "say" not a word and instead in the midst of a possibly dangerously mythologized National Anthem took a knee. This could be described technically as one knee down on the green and the other in bent repose as a leaned into by player. This as an added sign of seemingly: bear no harm, do no harm for such a taken for granted powerful message that within it had possible dangerous messaging as "inspiration".* Football is a mythic reality. Football players seem to source strength of will by talent, training and what seems sheer raw commitment to the game. In uniform and out on the field the tough is most evident and has what seems a transcendent kind of transference that comes through to a viewer, by audience close up or further and smaller away.
That transference works a magic that enriches many as a relative gift of compunction as the harder realities are face to face with another living that for the viewer. The magic gets better with the inspiration to find a passion one could be fit for, better for and able for by way of a strength of will by talent, training and a sheer raw commitment. Interestingly, these NFL players took the knee taking what has become cliche** to a powerful trope that might then transmute to another expression of righteous discontent that might fit for what powerful expression a pose in commitment with each other can possess. My sense of this "outspoken" in quiet power was one of thankfulness that African American men were on the line risking an individual belittlement, backlash to the game or a controversy fueled by others to be a tragic misunderstood. World War 1, 2 and the Korean War with then the wars thereafter as history then to this writer-admittedly, having not donned uniform-would understand the African American man accused of weakness or fear in battle*** as an intelligent, sensitive, mature and trained for combat warrior that once in battle had a realization he was in actuality, a Conscientious Objector.
Certainly, this being an example of my own accounting for what seems a fabric in our racist society getting thread bare by the decade; thank goodness, with possibly a patch up, mend a better alternative to what bears too much burden an important first aid! Proof on the field that warriors exist as intelligent, sensitive and mature men playing, in this case Football I believe is vitally important. Whether standard setting and continually evolving as sport, as well as one profound way to help the ills of history that might truly be found out to be the bad Mythologies called History.